Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Duo for Flutes in G major: Allegro and Minuet (1792)

Biamonti 32, WoO 26, Hess 17
If this score is any indication, Beethoven in Bonn was a nightowl. On the manuscript of this inventive and interesting duet, he dedicated to "friend Degenharth, 23 August 1792, 12 at night" (Contrarily, Biamonti feels that this notation doesn't fit Beethoven's character.) Later that year, Degenhart would return the favor later that year when Beethoven left for Vienna by assembling a farewell album for the young composer.
What is most interesting about this piece is the way that Beethoven is able to take the problem inherent in this ensemble: two flutes in basically the same register, and from this create an exciting and surprising sonata movement and minuet. Lively, cheerful, impressive. Degenhart must have been pleased. Recommended.

YouTube is awash in performances, none really stand out, though here's a rather lively version.

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